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火線警告 第六季

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火線警告 第六季

當(dāng)一個(gè)間諜被解雇了,他們絕不會(huì)收到人事部門(mén)交來(lái)的《解聘書(shū)》,而是一個(gè)連他自己也不大清楚的"火線警告"…… 當(dāng)特工Michael Westen (Jeffrey meijubar.net Donovan)在外執(zhí)行任務(wù)的時(shí)候,他收到了一份"Burn N... 更多





    20121222,s06e17-18, you do what you want to do to protect others, but others only want to flee. 2012-12-22

    20121222,s06e17-18, you do what you want to do to protect others, but others only want to flee. 詳情

    20121215,s06e16, love can save us, also can ruin us. 2012-12-15

    20121215,s06e16, love can save us, also can ruin us. 詳情

    20121214,s06e15, Michael's mother is old but vigorous, and energetic as ever. 2012-12-14

    20121214,s06e15, Michael''s mother is old but vigorous, and energetic as ever. 詳情

    20121204,s06e14, hard to escape, easy to give up. 2012-12-04

    20121204,s06e14, hard to escape, easy to give up. 詳情

    20121120,s06e13, be hunted day and day, never give up, go down swinging. 2012-11-21

    20121120,s06e13, be hunted day and day, never give up, go down swinging. 詳情

    20121112,s06e11-12, expect more. 2012-11-12

    20121112,s06e11-12, expect more. 詳情

    20120825,s06e10, nobody can be trusted, even you have fucked him. 2012-08-26

    20120825,s06e10, nobody can be trusted, even you have fucked him. 詳情

    20120818, s06e09, as usual, the best man for the job, is a woman. Even it is a man, there is a woman 2012-08-18

    20120818, s06e09, as usual, the best man for the job, is a woman. Even it is a man, there is a woman behind him. 詳情

    20120810,s06e08, good actors, excellent script, poor audience. 2012-08-11

    20120810,s06e08, good actors, excellent script, poor audience. 詳情

    20120806,s06e07, no comment 2012-08-06

    20120806,s06e07, no comment 詳情
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