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?? 紀錄片

出品四屆艾美獎最佳影集《廣告狂人》、兩屆艾美獎最佳影集《絕命毒師》、艾美獎提名作品《謀殺》和金球獎最佳影集提名及美國最高收視作品《行尸走肉》的金獎電視網AMC即將推出旗下首部自制紀實迷你影集《紐約黑幫紀實》(The Making of The Mo... 更多





    E4 臺詞摘錄 2020-07-24

    BandDewey launches a crusade against organized crime and to save the Mafia,the New York kingpin orders a hit on one of his own.With Schultz out of the picture,the Mob is back in business.Charles "Lucky" Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel,Frank Costello and Vito Genovese are living the high life.Guy... 詳情

    E3 臺詞摘錄 2020-07-24

    The King of New York UndergroundThe CommissionAfter taking out the two most powerful Mob bosses in New York,34-year-old Charles "Lucky" Luciano,sets in motion the next phase of his plan:to seize control of the New York Mafia.Over a matter of months,gangsters across the country are murdered in the bi... 詳情

    E2 臺詞摘錄 2020-07-22

    The Death of Rothstein ,1928Rothstein is the epitome of sophistication and self-control,but every man has a weakness.And for Rothstein, it''s high stakes gambling.Without a doubt,the Mob will eat away at your personality and at your soul.You have this weight that you''re carrying around with you.No... 詳情

    E1 臺詞摘錄 2020-07-22

    The American MafiaOver a 50-year period, these ambitious, young immigrants come together to form the American Mafia, Making millions, killing thousands,And changing the face of crime, forever. Their authority stretches across two continents, impacting global wars And creating empires. There''s none ... 詳情

    黑幫也有美國夢 2016-09-30

    西西里是個神奇的地方,小島一個卻因黑手黨全球聞名。而那些從這片土地上移民到美國的新一代美國人更是在20世紀初在紐約創下了黑幫史上最為人知的五大家族。AMC的這種風格有點紀錄片又有點美劇的路線,大概的把LUCK為首的5人街頭混混成為紐約最有勢力的黑幫到衰落這條線交待清楚了。雖然有點象流水帳,清淡得有點無聊,但也... 詳情

    黑幫歷史與美國夢 0000-00-00

    《紐約黑幫紀實》第一季,共8集,這是一部半紀錄片—半劇情片(Docu—drama)模式的劇集。旁白:雷·利奧塔本劇集屬黑幫題材,源于對美國黑幫歷史的興趣,和平淡的歷史不一樣,黑幫歷史中有犯罪,有偵探,有懸疑,有驚悚,有暗殺,還涉及政治和商業等,這就讓黑幫歷史更好看。如果用更通俗的說法,這還是一部男人的奮斗史,... 詳情
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